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Frontend Fridays - October 4th, 2024

Welcome back to Frontend Fridays!

If you are new here, I share the 5 best frontend posts I saw in the last 7 days. I scroll, so you don’t have to!

Let’s get to it:

#1 🎨

Handy code to easily enable desktop notifications in your web app! A small snippet with a big impact! 🔥 

#2 🎨

It’s been a long time coming, but frontend development is now divided into front-of-the-frontend and back-of-the-frontend! How you make users feel has become a lot more important. Just getting stuff done is not enough!

#3 🎨

An absolutely great utility tool by @WKarsens. Really helpful, especially when debugging weird errors in some libraries!

#4 🎨

If launched, this will become the most used feature in GitHub! 😆 

#5 🎨

It’s funny because it’s true!! 🤣🤣🤣 


What do you think of today’s edition? Hit ‘reply’ to this email and let me know!

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